UNFILTERED Archives: News Feature

Spirits and Specters at the Plaza Hotel

Spirits and Specters at the Plaza Hotel
Every city is full of stories, written in the architecture of its streets and buildings. Some of these stories speak to the inspiration and ingenuity inherent in building a pulsing infrastructure of steel, stone, and human interaction. Equally inherent, however,...

Before the Bottle, Growing Sake Rice in Japan

Before the Bottle, Growing Sake Rice in Japan
Many know rice as one of the great staple crops of the world; it provides essential calories for more than half of the world’s population, and outside of Asia it is one of the fastest-growing foods. Japan has a particularly...

The 2019 Fall Spirits Exhibition

The 2019 Fall Spirits Exhibition
Never is the creative energy of the East Coast’s cocktailing community more palpable than in the Fall. The change in season cracks wide open the range of flavors that might catch an imbiber’s fancy, and tastemakers in every style of...