Hakuryu Brewery

Hakuryu Brewery

The Shirai family founded the Hakuryu brewery in 1839 during the Shogun’s era. The brewery transported its sake by sea to major markets because the family also ran a transportation business. Hakuryu -White Dragon – an imaginary animal, was considered a guardian for marine vessels. Sake made by toji Yuzuru Yamakawa and Shinji Sharai. Yamakawa is one of the foremost toji in Niigata with over half a century of sake making.

Hakuryu Shuzo is one of the leaders for cultivating high quality local Koshihikari rice. Collectively with 20 Niigata sake producers,  they continue to pursue production of local sake rice, specifically Koshitanrei which is often used in premium sake. 

The style of Hakuryu Shuzo has been refined by the techniques from generation from Echigo Toji. Sake made from the Echigo Toji is often referred as ‘Tanrei Karakuchi’ – dry and clean.