Wodka Vodka

Wodka Vodka

One of the last estate-grown Polish rye vodkas on the market, Wódka is proud to reflect Poland’s history of vodka distillation. Wódka is distilled near Kalisz, one of the oldest cities in Poland, which has a history of growing and trading rye dating back to its time as a Roman trading post. Though Wódka’s historical ties speak to the respect for craft inherent in the distillate, it is Wódka’s ingredients and production methods which give this vodka its value.

Wódka Vodka is produced from single estate-grown Dankowskie rye—a prized golden winter variety recognized as the gold standard for exceptional vodka—that is milled, mashed, and column distilled five times. Twice filtered through charcoal made from Polish-grown birch and proofed with local spring water, the resulting spirit is a full-bodied but nimble distillate that proudly reflects its cultural heritage while offering outstanding value.

Imported by Edgewater Spirits and backed by a community of bartenders, Wódka Vodka has garnered a reputation as a quintessential vodka for any home bar or beverage program. An elegant, additive-free workhorse, Wódka is as perfectly suited for sipping over ice or as it is for mixing in cocktails, truly earning the title “honest vodka.”