Harmon Skurnik

Harmon Skurnik 2In 1989, Harmon was a business school graduate and a prominent advertising executive when he decided to take his experience and insights and join forces with his brother at his fledgling company. In the 30 years since, Harmon has developed a formidable palate and, along with his business acumen, has played a prominent role in shaping the success of the company. To this day, Harmon and Michael taste and make the decisions on every wine and spirit that enters the Skurnik portfolio.

Of the numerous accomplishments in Harmon’s career, he is most proud of the ascent of both his children, David and Erica, to important managerial roles at the company. He marvels at their many contributions to the company’s success, and is confident that the company he and his brother built from scratch will be in in good hands for many years to come.